The World Is Flat
Currently i am reading a book called " the world is flat " for thomas freedman. The book is a best seller on amazon and was recommended by some freinds. The main stream of the book is discussing the global economical changes in the world and how the world has now a flat market of suppliers, producers and consumers with the factors that helped the world to be that flat. The factors includes the fall of communism, the pc's revolution, microsoft software, the internet and the net browsers, the new powers as india and china, the outsourcing, the offshoring......
Though the book states alot of facts and is full of usefull information and drives the reader attention to the huge changes going in the global market, but i had the feeling that it is biased towards capitalism as a wining economical system. he is talking about industrial giants with great admire and enthusiasm. How china now started to adopt the free market choice after joining the WTO ( world trade organization) and that it had no choice but that, which is very much true. And how is that brining a new era to the world, the chinese era. One part that took my attention is his stating for a statement written on the floor of one of the factories in china, that we are either lions or gazals, the lions every day morning start runing to over take the slowest gazal, and the gazals every day morning start runing to escape the lions, the point that every day morning we have to start runing, whether we are lions or gazals.
This statement stopped me alot and made me think, this is the rule of the jungle, the strong eats the weak, and the fast overtake the slow. but we are HUMANS. And i started to think that the mentality the writer is a result of the environment he was raised up at. An environment based on feirce capitalizm, free market, economical super powers and the most important, extremely consuming socity.
That is what it is realy all about, they want to convince us that this is the only model, that we were born to consume and consume till we die. Great trailer giants has to be there to have more less prices to consume more, should move to india and china as they are huge markets with very cheap labour, so less prices and more consumption. No modesty.
I believe the topic is quite huge and for sure lots of books are written about it, but i am just stating my simple impression while i am in the middle of the book. That something is wrong, we shouldnt apply the jungle laws on our selves, we need modesty in consuming. Super powers and economical giants should not be alowed to allow for small businesses to survive and thus better spreading of fortunes rather than having hundereds of millioners and millions of poor. fair trade must be applied between poor countries and rich super powers, and because you are poor and weak, you cant state the price of your products, because you dont have the choice of selling it your self, ethiopia has to sell its coffee very cheap to costa and starbuks because they are the super powers who set the price, even if it is unfair.
It is a system that is just making the rich more rich and the poor more poorer, and driving the world crazy consuming, i believe we should be modest and we shouldnt live as lions or gazals, we should live as humans. Fair and honest.
Waleed Elmasry.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Bism Allah Alrahman Alraheem
dih 2wel message 2ktibha 3al blog beta3y, fakrt keteer 2wel message 2lmafroud tekoon 2ih, we ba3d keda 2oult mesh mouhem tekoun 3an 2ih, 2lmouhem 2iny 2kteb, 2kteb 2ly 3ayzou, 2kteb 3any, 2kteb 3an misr, 3an 3ailty, 3an 2s7aby, 27lamy we 27zany, 2ly ba7ebou waly bakrahou, 2ly 3ayzou wely khayef menouh.
bas la2any 2lyoumen dool 3andy 7alet shagan we 7aneen fazee3 le misr, 3ayez 2ktab 3an dah, we misr, mesh 3aref heya 2ih misr, weya3ny 2ih kelmet misr belnesba le2y 7ad fina, sou2al mouhem we sa3b, bas 2l2keed 2in misr mesh 2lzoulm we elkahr we elfa2r, misr mesh 2l7rameya 2ly malou elbalad, misr mesh 2lmourtazaka 2ly beysamohoum shourta, misr mesh 2lbeda3a 2lmouba3a la troud wala toustabdal, mesh 2lnas 2ly betmoot men 2lgoo3 welfa2r wel2ihmal, mesh 2lroos 2lmetateya le2mrica we 2isra2eel, mesh 2ly khayef yo7out rasou fih bo2 2l2sad, mesh 2l27rar 2ly wara 2oudban 2lzanazeen we elmasgoneen 2ly 3aysheen fih 2sourhoum 2lma2foula 3alyhoum men 2lkhouf welhala3. Misr 7aga tanya, misr kahkahet 2s7ab 3ala 2hwa balady raghm hemoum 2ldounya, misr dafa 2lnas 2ltayeba we karam 2l2loub 2lbeyda, misr sarkhet shabab ged3an fi wesh 3asaker 2mn 2ldawla 2lmou7taleen, misr 2khoya wakhouk we 2oukhty we 2oukhtak, misr 2oumy we 2oumak wabouya wabouk, misr nasha we troubha, 7ata hawaha 2ly ye3aye, bardou misr, misr 2lza7ma welail 2lsa7y, misr gawame3 3amranah we nas mouwa7edah belfetra, misr le3b koura fil share3 2bl 2lfitar, misr 7elm beboukra 27la men 2lnahrda, misr 2l7aneen welshagan lelshware3 welmayadeen, misr heya 2lnas wel shware3 2ly fiha 2lnas, 2y 7aga tanya gheir keda mesh misr, we 2keed 2keed misr 7aterga3 tany lelmasryeen.
dih 2wel message 2ktibha 3al blog beta3y, fakrt keteer 2wel message 2lmafroud tekoon 2ih, we ba3d keda 2oult mesh mouhem tekoun 3an 2ih, 2lmouhem 2iny 2kteb, 2kteb 2ly 3ayzou, 2kteb 3any, 2kteb 3an misr, 3an 3ailty, 3an 2s7aby, 27lamy we 27zany, 2ly ba7ebou waly bakrahou, 2ly 3ayzou wely khayef menouh.
bas la2any 2lyoumen dool 3andy 7alet shagan we 7aneen fazee3 le misr, 3ayez 2ktab 3an dah, we misr, mesh 3aref heya 2ih misr, weya3ny 2ih kelmet misr belnesba le2y 7ad fina, sou2al mouhem we sa3b, bas 2l2keed 2in misr mesh 2lzoulm we elkahr we elfa2r, misr mesh 2l7rameya 2ly malou elbalad, misr mesh 2lmourtazaka 2ly beysamohoum shourta, misr mesh 2lbeda3a 2lmouba3a la troud wala toustabdal, mesh 2lnas 2ly betmoot men 2lgoo3 welfa2r wel2ihmal, mesh 2lroos 2lmetateya le2mrica we 2isra2eel, mesh 2ly khayef yo7out rasou fih bo2 2l2sad, mesh 2l27rar 2ly wara 2oudban 2lzanazeen we elmasgoneen 2ly 3aysheen fih 2sourhoum 2lma2foula 3alyhoum men 2lkhouf welhala3. Misr 7aga tanya, misr kahkahet 2s7ab 3ala 2hwa balady raghm hemoum 2ldounya, misr dafa 2lnas 2ltayeba we karam 2l2loub 2lbeyda, misr sarkhet shabab ged3an fi wesh 3asaker 2mn 2ldawla 2lmou7taleen, misr 2khoya wakhouk we 2oukhty we 2oukhtak, misr 2oumy we 2oumak wabouya wabouk, misr nasha we troubha, 7ata hawaha 2ly ye3aye, bardou misr, misr 2lza7ma welail 2lsa7y, misr gawame3 3amranah we nas mouwa7edah belfetra, misr le3b koura fil share3 2bl 2lfitar, misr 7elm beboukra 27la men 2lnahrda, misr 2l7aneen welshagan lelshware3 welmayadeen, misr heya 2lnas wel shware3 2ly fiha 2lnas, 2y 7aga tanya gheir keda mesh misr, we 2keed 2keed misr 7aterga3 tany lelmasryeen.
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